Inside the Mind of Nica D

Hello! I'm Nica and I'm honored that you have stumbled across my blog. Read on stick around and maybe even follow me! Thank you.

Monday, July 29, 2013

How Do You Mend A Broken Heart?

I think universally everyone has gone through at least one heartbreak in their lifetimes. I'm actually going through one right now and honestly, I can say that nothing has ever felt worse. I was with this guy for 10 months and I really fell hard for him. He was the first boy that I brought home to my family and the first guy I ever officially went public with. He was my world and my everything...but of course my whole world just had to come crashing down. Without getting too personal, I found out that he lied to me and cheated on me upon multiple occasions and no matter how many times I forgave him after he  swore he would never do it again he would just keep doing it. Finally, I broke myself down and I listened to my head and let him go officially with no ties or attachments. It was very hard but I knew that cutting him off was the only thing that I could do.

What is it about love that makes us so vulnerable and so blind? Why does love make us so weak? I've seen people constantly tell themselves that they need to get out of a relationship only to completely forget their situation as soon as they see their lover. Why does love come with so much pain and heartache?

How do you deal when its over? I still have very strong feelings for this man and I don't see myself ever able to let go of them any time soon. I still find myself bursting into tears at the thoughts of the memories. I still have dreams about him and he is constantly on my mind. Why is it so hard to forget? Why does it take so long for the pain to heal? 

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Black Woman Problems in Regards to Fashion and Beauty

Hello everyone! My name is Nica and I am a woman of color and as a woman of color I automatically have two strikes against me: I am a woman and I am black. Now before you comment telling me why this previous statement is "stupid" and all the other things that you could possibly say about it take a minute to reflect on it. People think that because it is 2013 everyone is considered equal and we have moved passed race and gender problems, but the reality is we have not. 

I've had people tell me that I am pretty "for a black girl". Now to you this may be a compliment, but to me it's an insult. By saying "for a black girl" it is as if you're saying that all black girls are ugly. What's even more appalling is that a majority of the time this isn't even being said by someone of a race other than black but rather by black men. It hurts me to see that instead of being celebrated and uplifted by our fellow "brothers" we are instead being shamed and put down. I don't mean to generalize to say this about all black men but from what I've seen the number of black men who do this is at a frightening high amount. 

In regards to beauty black women are constantly being penalized and criticized for the things that we do. From the color lipsticks that we choose to wear, to the color of our clothing. Black women are constantly being told what NOT to do. Why should the color of my skin restrict me from expressing myself? If I want to wear bright lipsticks why shouldn't I? If I want to dye my hair blonde why shouldn't I? 

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Very First Tattoo

About a few weeks ago I got my very first tattoo!! It was so exciting and nerve racking at the same time!! It says "Il faut souffrir pour etre belle" Which is French for "One must suffer to be beautiful". I have always wanted to get this tattooed on me ever since I heard it at a hair salon when I was about 6 or 7. It kind of defined my coming of age and my blooming. I battled everything from acne to hair issues to skin issues and I just never ever felt beautiful and I felt that now this tattoo is definitely related to me. I suffered a lot growing up you know and now seeing all my suffering paying off I just feel like I'm beautiful and life is beautiful and its hopefully going to continue that way. My tattoo was done by Rico at Boston Ink.
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Hello Everyone! My name is Nica and fashion is my life. I grew up as kind of a tomboy and very rebellious. I remember all the times I spent being picked on because of the way I dressed or because of my interests. My sophomore year of high school was probably one of my worst and I completely cut the real me off from the world. That same year I discovered Youtube and Tumblr. I always knew Youtube was there but it was all the beauty, hair and fashion guru's that amazed me and on Tumblr I saw people who were even more different than I was and they were being praised. So everyday thats what I came home too and thats what I discovered and it was the most amazing and beautiful thing. Slowly I started unleashing the real me again and I stopped caring about what people thought and about how I felt. Since then I've started my own channel and I now have this blog. I hope to inspire other people just like me and I hope to continue to break out of my insecurities. Thank you for starting this journey with me.
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